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[solved] Fold at Small Blind Raise(F@SBr)

[solved] Fold at Small Blind Raise(F@SBr) è stato creato da NitroGrind

1 Settimana 8 Ore fa - 1 Settimana 8 Ore fa #42012
Hello, I found and added this stat(F@SBr) to the new Hud Profile. But I can't find it, after I've created a new Hud. I really need this stat, please help!
Btw what's a point of Hud Profile in the first place, isn't Hud itself enough?
Ups, sorry I've found it through the search.
Ultima Modifica 1 Settimana 8 Ore fa da NitroGrind.
I seguenti utenti hanno detto grazie : ngba3287

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Risposta da ngba3287 al topic [solved] Fold at Small Blind Raise(F@SBr)

1 Settimana 2 Ore fa #42024
Welcome NitroGrind,

Hello, I found and added this stat(F@SBr) to the new Hud Profile. But I can't find it, after I've created a new Hud. I really need this stat, please help!
Ups, sorry I've found it through the search.


what's a point of Hud Profile in the first place, isn't Hud itself enough?

When you play, a double left click on the player's label opens the Profile (Profile = Popup, which is customizable like the HUD)
To customize your Profile and/or get inspiration from existing templates you can click on :
HUD and Profiles > Manage profiles

The aim is to have more stats if needed. 
I seguenti utenti hanno detto grazie : NitroGrind

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Risposta da NitroGrind al topic [solved] Fold at Small Blind Raise(F@SBr)

6 Giorni 21 Ore fa - 6 Giorni 21 Ore fa #42034
Btw, did you know that your tracker is the only one that works bug-free with Playground(PG) and Shiva?
HM2, H2N3 and DriveHUD do not support PG at all.
H2N4 and PT4 have a bug - every time an active slot is popped, a yellow frame appears and the hotkeys stop working until you click on the table.
HM3 is the only playable one and I've been using it for the last six months, but it also has a bug - in some cases, the hud from the previous tournament remains in the new tournament (on the same slot). Usually in the first 2-3 hands, but sometimes happens for the whole tournament. In the end, I couldn't stand it and started searching again.
And so, miraculously, on the fifth page of Google, I came across a French-language forum where I found Xeester. My torment is over :D
I will purchase the microlimit version for now. Thanks!
The only issue is import took 2 days, I remembered PT4 right away :D
And it takes around 60% of CPU load while playing 10 tables(HM3 took 40-45%).
Otherwise it's perfect for my purposes.
P.S. Oh, i forgot about another one - Poker Copilot, it shows HUD of players from first slot on all other slots.
Ultima Modifica 6 Giorni 21 Ore fa da NitroGrind. Motivo: P.S.
I seguenti utenti hanno detto grazie : ngba3287

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Risposta da ngba3287 al topic [solved] Fold at Small Blind Raise(F@SBr)

6 Giorni 9 Ore fa - 6 Giorni 9 Ore fa #42037

Btw, did you know that your tracker is the only one that works bug-free with Playground(PG) and Shiva?
HM2, H2N3 and DriveHUD do not support PG at all.
H2N4 and PT4 have a bug - every time an active slot is popped, a yellow frame appears and the hotkeys stop working until you click on the table.
HM3 is the only playable one and I've been using it for the last six months, but it also has a bug - in some cases, the hud from the previous tournament remains in the new tournament (on the same slot). Usually in the first 2-3 hands, but sometimes happens for the whole tournament. In the end, I couldn't stand it and started searching again.
And so, miraculously, on the fifth page of Google, I came across a French-language forum where I found Xeester. My torment is over 

I will purchase the microlimit version for now. Thanks!

Thanks !

The only issue is import took 2 days, I remembered PT4 right away 

And it takes around 60% of CPU load while playing 10 tables(HM3 took 40-45%).
Otherwise it's perfect for my purposes.

Maybe try these settings if you need to :
  • You can adjust the maximum RAM used from Xeester, by clicking on :
    Options > Others...


    In your case (depending on the RAM available on your PC) you can use :

    8GB RAM > 1,000 MB
    16GB RAM > 2,000 MB
    32GB RAM > 4,000 MB

  • If you have an antivirus, configure it for Xeester :

  • Disabling certain animations can improve Winamax's performance :

  • WindowsOS > Winamax >  New option 'Attaching the HUD (Winamax)'
      By unchecking this option, some users with problems should no longer have them :

    GOOD TO KNOW  if you check or uncheck this option :
    the HUD must be restarted for this to take effect,
    using the 'Stop HUD' button  
    then 'Start HUD'   
    in the top center of the main Xeester window.

Ultima Modifica 6 Giorni 9 Ore fa da ngba3287.
I seguenti utenti hanno detto grazie : NitroGrind

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Risposta da NitroGrind al topic [solved] Fold at Small Blind Raise(F@SBr)

5 Giorni 4 Ore fa #42048
Hello, all animations and even sound are disabled in the client, I'm playing with the most minimalistic interface. But it's okay, it's playable.
A much bigger problem is that the stats show incorrect numbers, and to be precise, the PFR and BB Fold vs SB steal. VPIP almost matches. For comparison, two players, H2N3 and HM3, show the same values, but Xeester's values are different (since H2N3 samples don't show with a large number of hands, I'll just show a screenshot with general stats). I have more than a million hands on myself, and there is the same picture. I did a screenshot of comparison(pls look at the attachment. ). This problem is clearly related to how samples are counted. 

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Risposta da ngba3287 al topic [solved] Fold at Small Blind Raise(F@SBr)

5 Giorni 4 Ore fa #42050

I've created a ticket and we'll check it as soon as possible. 
I seguenti utenti hanno detto grazie : NitroGrind

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