Hi everyone,
since the last software update of Pokerstars, the non english history files are corrupted (bad characters encoding).
A request to solve this problem has been sent to their support .
In the meantime, you can switch your history files to ENGLISH.
Open their right menu
"Settings"> Playing history> Hand history > and select language
Do the same for Tournament summaries.
Edit by ngba3287:
For old games whose files were not in English:
Ask PokerStars to send you your TournSummary and HandHistory files with the dates you want
(example: from January 1, 2016 to today).
To do this, simply send your request at support@pokerstars.com (or support@pokerstars.it ; support@pokerstars.es ; etc...)
Edit MAY-15th-2018 by ngba3287:
Since the last software update of Pokerstars,
You have to modify the "Play in" Language in English
Waiting PokerStars fix the bug :
Dernière édition: il y a 6 ans 9 mois par ngba3287. Raison: Update
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