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migration of settings

migration of settings a été créé par NarkoZzz

il y a 7 ans 1 mois #20287
I want to transfer settings from one computer to another. what files / folders do I need to transfer?

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Réponse de ngba3287 sur le sujet migration of settings

il y a 7 ans 1 mois - il y a 7 ans 1 mois #20330

If you have already played on PC#2,
Transfer your history on PC#1 then import manually in Xeester (Import > Import folders)

Now PC#1 is up to date (all your results are imported) and you want the same on PC#2

You can do it with internet:
From PC#1 Make a backup in Xeester (Start > Backups management... > Backup DESKTOP-XXXXXXX...)
From PC#2 Restore a backup in Xeester (Start > Backups management... > Restore)

But you can also do it manually (faster if your connexion is slow):

Copy/Paste the folder (from PC#1 to PC#2)
C:\Program Files (x86)\Xeester\mysql\data\xeester_v2

Copy/Paste the folder (from PC#1 to PC#2)
C:\Program Files\Xeester\processed
This will allow you to reimport some files if needed later (as you ever done it with PreFlop stats that were malfunctioning in some cases)
Dernière édition: il y a 7 ans 1 mois par ngba3287.

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Réponse de NarkoZzz sur le sujet migration of settings

il y a 7 ans 1 mois #20343

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