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Money stats calculated incorrectly

Money stats calculated incorrectly a été créé par b1no1d

il y a 3 ans 4 mois - il y a 3 ans 4 mois #33924
Hey Guys!

I've just started with playing poker again after a long time and now I'm checking out multiple tools, like Xeester. I have to say, I really like it, but there's one big problem: The money (won/lost/ev) calculation seems to be wrong. I've made screenshots of Xeester and H2N for comparison, just have a look at it. H2N calculates correctly, btw... The number of played hands is identical, so there really seems to be an issue with the processing.

Thanks & BR

PS: Sorry, almost forgot - I'm playing on 888poker. And I've already erased the hands history, which did not change anything. Xeester is always counting around triple the "real" value.

Dernière édition: il y a 3 ans 4 mois par b1no1d.

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Réponse de ngba3287 sur le sujet Money stats calculated incorrectly

il y a 3 ans 4 mois #33931
Welcome b1no1d,

Can you compress the folder :
C:\Program Files (x86)\Xeester\processed

and mail it to contact(at)

TY !

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Réponse de b1no1d sur le sujet Money stats calculated incorrectly

il y a 3 ans 4 mois #33942
Hi and thank you

I've zipped the cash games of yesterday and sent it to the contact address, as you asked. That should be enough for troubleshooting, since the problem is there all the time, on any table. The "net won" in Xeester is always much higher. The rake also seems to be wrong - just noticed. H2N says $6.97 while Xeester says $13.82 for the same raw data and number of hands. But I have no idea, which one is correct..

Les utilisateur(s) suivant ont remercié: ngba3287

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Réponse de bigschucks sur le sujet Money stats calculated incorrectly

il y a 3 ans 1 mois #34620
This is really awful. I have never had this problem with xeester. I have been working as a game developer for a long time and have never encountered this. This is just my thinking out loud.

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Réponse de ngba3287 sur le sujet Money stats calculated incorrectly

il y a 3 ans 1 mois #34624
Do not hesitate if you have a problem ;-)

The TEST version (beta version) is available to fix these problems.

Procedure :

Close Xeester

Download the "test.txt" file

Place this "test" file in the Xeester installation directory. :
C:\Program Files (x86)\Xeester

Start Xeester

Note that this mode reloads the packages each time (Launching Xeester will therefore take a little longer than usual).

To remove this mode and return to the current version of Xeester, simply delete the "test.txt" file.

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